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#28955 - 04/07/24 02:14 PM Re: spring weather [Re: redsnow]
FLSH ETR Offline

Registered: 12/29/04
Posts: 1203
Loc: Cudahy, Wisconsin,USA

Yeah, the grass is greening up alright. Southside of the house probably could use a clipping. We've had lows in the mid 40*F over night, and they're forecasting mid 60*F for highs now for a couple of days. (that's around 20*C for our bros that use a different breed of mercury :)) We've had such a terrible wet spring so far, with flood warnings along the rivers in the southern part of the state. Probably will put a damper on the farmers getting into their fields. And they're forecasting more rain on the way, but should be clearing some for the eclipse.
"Man plans, God laughs."

#28956 - 04/08/24 10:05 AM Re: spring weather [Re: musher]
musher Online   content

Registered: 07/22/03
Posts: 2410
Loc: Qc.
We call a knit cap a "tuque" also spelled "toque."

Tobaggans are made of wood lathe. Sleds are made of plastic or anything else. A pulk is a sled designed to carry gear and not people.

Edited by musher (04/08/24 10:08 AM)

#28957 - 04/08/24 03:14 PM Re: spring weather [Re: musher]
Hal Online   content

Registered: 07/17/00
Posts: 10242
Loc: Blue Creek, Ohio, USA
I grew up calling a knit cap a "stocking" cap. But here in Southern Ohio it too is known as a toboggan. Other folks call it a "watch" cap.
Endeavor to persevere.

#28958 - 04/09/24 10:27 AM Re: spring weather [Re: musher]
musher Online   content

Registered: 07/22/03
Posts: 2410
Loc: Qc.
When portaging, I wear a canoe on my head. But I have never worn a tobaggan!

#28959 - 04/10/24 02:53 AM Re: spring weather [Re: musher]
redsnow Online   content

Registered: 06/11/06
Posts: 3049
Loc: WV
A week ago if you'd have called me at work, and asked if I had toque for sale. I'd have probably asked you to spell it for me, and then describe what you wanted. After a half dozen questions, we'd might have it figured out? If you'd tell me a knit hat, we'd be good to go.

I only have one toboggan for sale, right now. Blaze orange.

At work the computer is always on, if I would have time, I'd have been searching while you were on the phone.

Talking about a "pulk", about the only thing that you'd see around here mounted on sled would be a fuel tank. Around timber operations or a construction job. Mostly, it'd be stationary, just a tank to go fill up the equipment at the end of the day.

On most big jobs, they will have their own fuel trucks. Lots of the small operations, they'll have a 200 gallon or so, fuel tank mounted in a pickup.

Let me ask. 40 years ago, the primary language of Quebec was French. In your opinion, has that changed? I'm sure it varies from one spot to another.

Our valley was filled with smoke again yesterday. I read on the WWW there were 2 fires burning near the VA/WV state line. The biggest fire was over 16,000 acres, last I heard they both 100% contained.

We've had some rain, but our woods are dry. Up out of the valley, grass and weeds haven't started to grow yet.

#28960 - 04/10/24 10:17 AM Re: spring weather [Re: musher]
musher Online   content

Registered: 07/22/03
Posts: 2410
Loc: Qc.
" 40 years ago, the primary language of Quebec was French. In your opinion, has that changed?"

It has not. If you are in Montreal, you will hear English a lot. Other than that, it's French.

I am an Anglo Quebecker. That means my mother tongue is English. I was raised and schooled in English. But once you are in the "world", all is in French. The English population of Quebec used to be 10%. I believe it is down to 8% now.

Allophone numbers, those whose mother tongue is neither English nor French, have risen sharply in the last decade.

Up until a couple of years ago, the only languages I would hear in town were French and Native. Once in a while you would hear and English person. When you did, it would be a tourist or someone you knew. Now you hear other languages once in a while.

The tobaggan and tuque/toque words are used throughout Canada.

#28961 - 04/11/24 11:24 AM Re: spring weather [Re: musher]
redsnow Online   content

Registered: 06/11/06
Posts: 3049
Loc: WV
I've let that soak in for 24 hours, I'm still confused.

So when the kids go to school, their books are printed in English or French?

Just say I'd want to start a savings account at your local bank, will the paperwork be in English or French?

I read the BBC news now and then, you hardly ever find anything from Quebec, but I've watched their videos and they are in English.

If you'd be watching the evening TV news, is that in English or French?

Here at work I see non-English speaking folks every day. Mostly Spanish.

65* this am.

#28962 - 04/11/24 01:32 PM Re: spring weather [Re: redsnow]
musher Online   content

Registered: 07/22/03
Posts: 2410
Loc: Qc.
In an English school all teaching and texts are in English - except for the French classes. It is the opposite in French schools.

If you go to a bank all the talking and forms will be in French. You can request English forms.

The evening news will be in one language or another depending on which television station you are on. We have English stations and French stations. Ditto for radio.

+6 C. this morning. Robins are in the yard for the first time this year.

#28963 - 04/12/24 12:44 PM Re: spring weather [Re: musher]
redsnow Online   content

Registered: 06/11/06
Posts: 3049
Loc: WV

Let me ask. Just say a kid goes to an English school, are French language classes mandatory? Same thing for a kid going to a French school.

If that's true, the majority of the younger population would be bilingual. Or somewhat bilingual. That would be nice.

One thing that I'm seeing more and more often here at work. Some folks have a gizmo on their cell phone, they can talk into their phone, and it will translate their voice to English text. And my voice back to their language in text.

That's pretty neat.

We had a light rain overnight, 55* this am and windy. I did find a white bird egg shell on my porch the other morning, not positive but I think it was a dove egg.

#28964 - 04/12/24 02:45 PM Re: spring weather [Re: redsnow]
musher Online   content

Registered: 07/22/03
Posts: 2410
Loc: Qc.
Originally Posted By: redsnow

Just say a kid goes to an English school, are French language classes mandatory? Same thing for a kid going to a French school.

Yes. But the quality of the French language taught in the English schools is W-A-Y better than that of the English taught in French schools. Many, if not most, English schools offer French mother tongue. That means the students get taught the same level of French that the French schools teach.

In most French schools the English taught is second language English. It is extremely basic.

My kids all attended English school - as did my wife and I. Our kids all did their university studies in French universities. They had no problems.

We are finally getting some rain here. 10 C. right now.

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