Let me tell you how this project started, first.

My brother and I own the property and house. He's always busy, and so am I. We're never up at the King's place. Dad rented the house, dirt cheap! And they were to keep the place, respectable, and do whatever maintenance needed.

Well, a few years ago, I went up and the metal roof was showing more rust than paint.

That kind of got under my skin. You can't let a house go for 25 or 30 years and not fix anything.

Without a good foundation and good roof, a house will go to hell quick.

I won't say anything bad about the man, because he's not here to defend himself.

But I walked around the house one evening, and didn't like what I'd seen.

Long story short, I sent word to the man that we needed to talk. Dad was a very easy going man, and so am I and my brother. But at the same time, we're not going to let someone step on us.

I'll give details of his and my last conversation in the morning. smile