I don't need the govt's blessing to select a trap, but it helps to stay legal, unless your into having the game warden camped out on your line. In B.C., the B.C. Trapping Association works with the govt to set the standards which will meet the 2007 requirements. So unless you can sell all your fur at home, and not on the world market, you may have to update yourself.

The 24hr check doesn't make sense for me either, due the time it takes on sno-go to get to where most of my line is. But there is no way a 1 month or more check is anywhere near ethical or responsible. If your only concern is $75/per pelt for a marten(which by the way is way above the average pelt price) and you don't care how the critter dies to get your money, than your no trapper. That is exactly the kind of stuff the anti's feed off of to try and ban trapping. Alaska may be further north than B.C., but it is not out of reach of bans.

RO frown